HTC On the Air

Would you like to learn Morse Code or perfect your skills? We make both possible. Like every form of art, Morse Code, also known by its technical shorthand CW (continuous wave), requires continual practice. Besides CW, we also promote making contacts with the lowest power required (named QRP), and this, of course, in CW.
Our club call HB9HTC, and HTC members are QRV on the following dates and times:

MCT– Morse Code Training broadcasts

MCT– Morse Code Training broadcasts


Local time QRG MHz Topic
every Monday 1900  3.569 +/-  QRM

Morse Code practice. 60 to 140 characters/min (12 to 28 words/min). At speeds higher than 100 cpm (20 wpm), almost only in plain text to allow practicing "copying in your head". Afterwards, the latest HTC club news if any is available. At the end we conduct short confirmation QSOs.

Ops: HB9UH Hans and HB9DEO Robi

(vacation break during July and August)
CW for beginners (newcomers), QRS and QRP fans
Local time
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday  2030 7.033 +/-  QRM
QRV for CW newcomers, those picking up CW again and QRP fans.
Standard QSOs – 40 to 80 cpm (7 to 12 wpm)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday 2030 3.569 +/- QRM
QRV for CW newcomers, those picking up CW again and QRP fans.
Standard QSOs – 40 to 80 cpm (7 to 12 wpm)
Ops: HB9EWO Clemens and HB9DEO Robi     (vaction break during July and August)