
Presentations/slides from events such as the QRP Party or seminars are also stored for your access or else we provide an indication of where they can be found.

HTC QRP Party 

The QRP Party is an event that has been organized by the HTC for many years. Homebrewing of small devices (typically QRP) is established as one of our goals and is the second pillar of our club. Increasingly this event is conducted in cooperation with other organizations and groups. All radio amateurs, and not just HTC members, are welcome to attend the QRP Party. Frequently, these events are organized and conducted in collaboration with other organizations and clubs. 


23rd QRP Party (2018) - Electronic QSLs

Ever more frequently DXpeditions do not send paper QSL cards but instead offer electronic QSLs. How can I get one of these highly valued electronic QSLs from a DXpedition? What requirements must I meet and what obstacles can I expect? Which of the electronic logbooks is the right one for me? Are there some electronic QSLs somewhere waiting for my reply? We addressed these and further questions at this event.

QRP Party 2017:

Antenna simulation with EZNEC 


21. QRP-Party 2016

Diese Jahr wurden der Anlass durch Vertreter der Organisationen HB9HSR, HB9SOTA und HB9HTC gemeinsam angegangen. Wir durften diesen Anlass wieder an der Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil HSR durchführen. Dieses mal nicht mehr in der Aula, sondern im neuen Technikgebäude der HSR. Über 80 Teilnehmer haben an der Veranstaltung besucht. Über diesen grossen Zuspruch hat sich das Organisations-Komitee HSR/HTC/SOTA sehr gefreut. Der positive Geist von allen beteiligten und die ideale Infrastruktur der HSR in Rapperswil haben uns zu einem erfolgreichen Anlass verholfen. Nach dem Essen im Restaurant Rathaus konnte man zur Auflockerung einen Einblick in die RoboOlympics nehmen, welche am gleichen Tag stattfand und in unser Programm eingebunden wurde.

Mitglieder können die Vorträge iim Download QP 2016 herunterladen (anmelden)


 2015: the 20th QRP Party

On November 21, 2015, together with the HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (a member of the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland), we held the traditional QRP Party for the 20th time. The event was conducted in the conventional way with technical presentations, demonstrations and the time-proven mini presentations.  
A summary of past events presented at the 20th HTC QRP Party (in German with photos)  took us once again into the past for a few moments. We were able to benefit from the excellent infrastructure provided by the HSR and the facility's fantastic location directly on Lake Zurich. More than 80 people attended the 20th QRP Party!

Wir Bedanken uns herzlich für Euren Besuch. Organisations-Kommission: HSR - ICOM und HTC 

2014 QRP Party

On Saturday, March 1, 8 and 22, 2014, the MA-12 Meeting took place in Uster. During this period, the participants worked on the MAS (Minimal Art Session) transceiver, which consists of fewer than 100 components. We discussed the circuits, exchanged tips and tricks, and then completed rigs were troubleshooted and aligned. This meeting represents an "active QRP Party" in 2014.  Building something during the QRP Party itself is an experiment that always involves some risk, but the feedback and results of the 20 participants was overwhelmingly positive! Thanks to the USKA/HTC NMD Commission and the IG UEM (HAMFU telecommunications museum) that so kindly allowed the use of its facilities.

MA-12 project / documentation