Submit a Morse Code exam file     (No fees)

Use this online form to submit your HTC Morse Code exam as created in the HB9HQX Morse software available elsewhere on this website; note that with each form you can attach and submit as many as three exam files. We need your address so we can post your awards (certificate and pins). The data you supply -- except for first name and callsign, which we will publish on our website to congratulate successful candidates -- will not be used for any purpose other than to communicate messages related to the Morse Code exam and awards.
Morse-Pruefung einsenden - send Examen
Bitte füllen Sie alle mit * markierten Felder aus. (Pflichtfelder)
Rufzeichen /Call*
Geschwindikeit BpM/ Examen CpM*
Name / Familiy_Name*
Vorname / Prename*
Strasse Nr. / Street and Nr.*
PLZ und Ort / Zip and City*
Land / Country*
Ihr Kommentar (Restzeichen: 2500)
Datei Upload 1*
Datei Upload 2
Datei Upload 3
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