HB9HQX Morse 7 

The program offers a wide range of methods for learning CW (Morse telegraphy) from scratch (Learning method Koch).
If you want to use the program but do not want to install it, you can download the ZIP archive with the program folder of the mobile version. This folder contains all the required files and directories. (If the proper installation fails, you can also fall back on this variant).
example screenshots

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If you manage to connect a Morse key or an external keyer or paddle to the PC, e.g. with the help of a converted PC mouse or by connecting it directly to the control lines of a serial interface, you can also carry out keying exercises, with graphical analysis of the duration of short (Di) and long tones (Dah) or with an automatic decoder. It is also possible to record, save, play back and analyze the timing of the practice exercises.

The interactive Morse trainer is particularly attractive, and not just for beginners. It teaches you how to blindly type in individually played Morse code characters using the Learning method Koch, i.e. with a constantly growing character set at changing speed and pitch.

But the possibilities are far from exhausted. You can create an MP3 file from any listening or keying practice. The program can also be used to carry out the official HTC Morse code exam in four different speeds or to produce and transmit a Morse code practice broadcast.
The program offers many setting options and can therefore be easily adapted to your own needs. Detailed documentation in the form of PDF documents is also installed. These documents can be accessed via the Help menu and are displayed in the operating system's PDF viewer. 


  • Learning the Morse code of each individual character, phonetically and acoustically.
  • Interactive Morse trainer according to the Learning method Koch
  • Listening practice according to the Learning Method Koch
  • Listening practice with any selection of characters
  • Listening practice with texts from text collections (words, call signs and sentences)
  • Listening practice with any exercise texts
  • Export listening practice as an audio file (MP3, OGG or WAV)
  • Play, save and correct HTC Morse code exam
  • Transmission of Morse code practice broadcast with automatic speed changes
  • Practice with straight key or external keyer incl. graphic analysis
  • Practice with paddle and software keyer
  • Recording of keying practices