Proficiency certificate and lapel pin:

Goal: Fluency in telegraphy
You generally experience the joy of Morse Code only when you can conduct a lively, fluent QSO! The abilities of an advanced telegraphist, however, can be achieved only through targeted, intensive training. This applies to both beginners and those who are picking it up again. The HTC certificate and various subsequent awards are intended to promote this goal. Remember, practice makes perfect!
Preparation and procedure
Depending on the student's inclination and the opportunities available to that person, Morse Code can be learned in a variety of ways. The optimal situation is by attending one of the training courses that are offered by various regional ham radio clubs from time to time. As an alternative, the HTC recommends self-study, perhaps with the support of a Morse Code elmer.
Certificate and subsequent awards
The HTC Morse Code exam is set up in levels. Passing the basic level is recognized with a framed certificate. Passing an advanced level is recognized with a lapel pin. If someone wants to truly enjoy Morse Code, that person should achieve at least one of the advanced levels. Tests for the advanced levels of the HTC exam can be taken comfortably at home using the HQX training program (ver 3.7. or later). The advanced tests may be taken by any ham radio operator, whether those coming back to Morse Code, those who are setting a new goal for themselves or if you simply want to test your abilities. The rules and regulations for the HTC Morse Code exam describe the requirements for all award levels.
Submit test results electronically
Fill out the form according as instructed.
Preferably rename the file such as [[call]] 80_1 (your own call sign, speed, serial number for each speed level)
After entering the locally stored test file in the field intended for this purpose, store it and submit it to us. (not the pdF File which is just for selfcontrol purposes)
For detailed information and instructions, please get in touch with a member of the Board of Directors by sending an e-mail to